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No Control wines by Vincent Marie

25-07-2020 14:16 - Review
by Vincent Marie

Impossible to resist the temptation to propose the wines of one of the best young French winemakers emerging in recent years!
No Control is the Vincent Marie project and is based in the north of the Puy de Dôme, more precisely in Volvic; it consists of 5 hectares of vines, where it's possible to find different vines: Gamay, Pinot noir, Syrah, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Sylvaner and Pinot Auxerrois. These allow you to make between 5 and 7 cuvées.
The domaine also enjoys an impressive wide range of terroirs born from recent but also past volcanic activities, which give the wines typical characteristics and a very characteristic mineral taste.
The vines are processed with the utmost respect for living beings, the surrounding vegetation, the soil and health; in fact the long experience of working alongside Patrick Meyer has allowed Vincent to learn and acquire skills to practice biodynamics.
No chemicals are added in the cellar during the winemaking process and the wines are produced in the most natural way possible. When bottling no filtered, clarified or added sulphites. The goal is to produce pure, fresh and highly drinkable wines. To achieve this, the grapes are treated with the utmost respect, in fact they are harvested by hand in 18 kg crates. The white grapes are pressed carefully and slowly, while the red grapes are placed in whole bunches for maceration, which will be more or less long depending on the desired product. The wines ferment with indigenous yeasts and are matured on the lees in various containers. The length of aging is not decided in advance, but will change according to the wine, its taste and potential. These processes allow the wines to have a strong aromatic potential and to best express the terroir from which they come.
Now we just have to drink them!!!

Tournoel Riot '18 - Pinot Noir; fermentation with whole bunches maceration for three weeks and aging in old Burgundy barrels for about a year; The “domaine sous Tournöel” is the vineyard acquired by Alain Gaudet in 2015. A wine that conveys a message and marks the difference in style from the previous vintner and Vincent. Tournoël Riot highlights these two facts, a reminder of the name of the vineyard and the English word "riot" which recalls the revolution taking place in the vineyard itself. The word "revolt" is also there as a reminder of the punk culture very present in this exciting young winemaker! A real treat!!! 31,90€
Magma Rock '18 - Gamay; fermentation with whole bunches maceration in a truncated conical wooden tank and aging in old 23hl barrels for about a year. Deeply aromatic, with super fruity and floral aromas but also spicy notes. In the mouth we immediately perceive the red fruits of the forest, but also the soil of the forest and the spices, all masterfully directed by splendid silky tannins and super acidity. Great great wine!!! 31,90€
Les Crosses '19 - Chardonnay vinified with direct pressing and aging in steel....and what Chardonnay!!! Les Crosses by Vincent Marie is a vibrant, slightly turbid cuvée that perfectly expresses its terroir. No input, no filtration, not a milligram of So2, that's what we can call a naked wine! TOP!!! 29,90€
Pour Aller Chercher le Dossard '19 - Sylvaner and Riesling fermented and aged in steel; new cuvée, new emotions, but always the same territoriality that distinguishes the wines of the talented Vincent!!! Unmissable!!! 24,90€
Délire du Désordre '18 - mix of all the red berried grapes of the domaine!!! Fermentation with whole bunches maceration for three weeks; here is the new delirium of 2018! So what is the delirium of the disorder?! Simple, it's a mixture of all the small textures of the old Gamays on the Basaltes cultivated by Vincent; then assembled with a little bit of every red of the year. A splendid snapshot of the harvest!!! 27,90€

Wine Symphony natural wine shop of wines made by small vignerons with a big heart!!!

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