Canlibero wines

14-02-2020 12:33 -


The new vintages of the wines of Ennio and Mena are back to roar on our website...but no fear...they are all delicious!!!
Spontaneous fermentation, no filtration, or clarification, or addition of sulfur wines, never predictable or ordinary!!!


Turrumpiso '18 - 14,90€
Erre '15 - 34,90€
V For Vittorio '18 - 17,90€
Shiro '18 - 13,90€
Pink Freud '18 - 13,90€
Iastemma '18 - 23,90€
Super Sannios '18 - 15,90€

Wine Symphony natural wineshop of wines by small winemakers with a big heart!!!